On August the 6th 2011, I set off for a long adventure starting from my hometown in The Netherlands with the ultimate goal of reaching Australia WITHOUT FLYING. More than 19 months have passed. I have crossed through several deserts and walked over many a high mountain, in countries such as Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, China, Mongolia and SE Asia. Now, there is only one big challenge left for me to complete the last leg of this epic journey: to find a ship or boat that is willing to help me get across the waters to Australia. For this, I am willing to do anything that is required from me as your crewmember! In the next months (Spring/Summer 2013) I will slowly be travelling further south to Malaysia and Indonesia, but always ready to jump on any vessel willing to take me Down Under!
About me:
• 29 year old, Dutch, male, Environmental Engineer.
• I speak Dutch, English and a bit of German.
• No health problems, very fit and a passion
for travelling and scuba diving (Divemaster).
• An optimist that thinks in terms of solutions
rather than problems and a team player with
a good sense of diplomacy.
• Always been able to get along well with a
whole range of personalities.
• No experience in sailing so far, but very eager
to learn more about it! I always give 200% in any
job that is assigned to me and I am a fast learner.
• Never had any problems with motion sickness or seasickness.
Jimmy Linders
Findacrew.net: #218323
Couchsurfing - Jimmy Linders