My girlfriend and I are seeking a crew opportunity - we are in Hawaii, on the big island. We have the flexibility to sail to any destination, and depart any time - although departing before mid-March would be ideal. We can meet a boat anywhere in the Hawaiian islands
In addition to seeking a crew opportunity through Cruiser Log, I've heard that opportunities may be found by visiting marinas in person, making one's self helpful, and asking around. Would anyone recommend a marina on the big island of Hawaii where chances of finding a crew opportunity are best?
Although neither of us has any sailing experience, we are both very hard working, quick learning, and likable. We are observant, respectful, and trustworthy
We are avid backcountry hikers, which I hope will provide some transferable experience, e.g. long trips away from amenities, planning, preserving, and preparing food, being prepared for all weather, and health and safety. Melissa is first aid trained by St. John ambulance
We are Canadian citizens, from the west coast. I contribute to the Linux open source operating system and Melissa is an organic farmer with a degree in biology. We are both 28 years old and mature. We have years of experience living in various group situations, from field work to cooperative housing. We have been in Hawaii for three months, studying tropical agriculture and farming - we have excellent references
Our email address is, mtflint AT
Our mobile number here in Hawaii is, (808) 936-6114