Looking for a school teacher that wants to travel over the next few years.
In Bahamas area and leaving for East Coast of USA for Hurricane season.
Want a teacher that can teach two children (Boys)12 & 14, want a teacher to spend 6 hrs a day, one on one 3hrs each 5 days a week.
Traveling plans are come down the East coast of USA back to Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Belize and then down to Panama, Doing the crossing of the South Pacific, leaving about March 2014, back to Australia, time frame for us is open as not in a hurry to get there.
This is a chance to sail a large distance and have a long time frame, we are continuing to Aisa and the Med after this trip to Australia, so all going well with both parties you could go even further.
This is a swap of services, you teach we take you with us, its a awesome trip, sorry if you feel that we should pay, but really I'm not interested in your thoughts on that matter, if it don't interest you then don't reply.
Schooling required distance education, Australian schooling.
Please reply if you are interested, send and CV to