I have just finished reading Peggy Hall's book
GET RID OF BOAT ODORS. Wish I'd read this long ago as she is SO knowledgeable about the subject AND an absolute whizz on marine heads - the selection, installation and maintanance. Her book covers the control of odors eminating from all aspects of marine sanitation (holding tanks, hoses, heads units, etc.,) as well as all other odors that can cause discomfort on a boat. It is a GREAT read and a very good reference book to keep on the boat.
We had a horrible odor on the boat that we could not trace for years. Turned out to be feedback from the holding tank breather hose. A one-way breathing filter had been installed the wrong way round and after switching it round correctly the boat again smelled like a rose.
Anyone else have odors in the boat that you just can't put an end to?