I too have followed their travels from the day they set sail in 2003. Pat and Ali have been a warming inspiration for my own desires to set sail and explore. Unfortunately, not everyone has had the same appreciation for what these two young adventurers had accomplished. There were many postings in forums that I have read that belittled the Shulte's for what I have come to know as true spirit! I have often fought the idea that small minded people with little or no ambition, beat down the accomplishments of others, perhaps to feel less useless to themselves. Jealousy has always been an unwholesome companion! Pat and Ali may have taken a few risks, but without risk, we would not have had some of the most honored accomplishments as we have achieved and I certainly applaud their undertakings (even if I myself had felt some jealousy, although on an early Monday morning with a full calendar of client meetings, while Pat and Ali are snorkeling Ashmore reef off the coast of Australia, it is hard not to).
So, regardless of what anyone else may have thought of their endeavors, I am elated to have been able to feel apart of their adventrues around the world and can say that I admire their spirit and what they have been able to set their minds and hearts to. If only half of us could have that kind of gumption, WHAT A PARTY THIS WOULD BE!!!!
Congratulations to Pat and Ali and thanks for all the great stories!!