Another question to challenge you all.
We have just had our 1992 Avon 6 man cannister liferaft serviced. Or rather, we haven't. It was last done ??? in 2006 in Thailand and we took it on trust. This time, in Canary Islands (by the way, there seem to be only two outfits that do it and both are in Gran Canaria) we saw it and it was 'orrible, loosing air and with thick mould all over. I suspect it was not done properley, or at all, in Thailand. We have bought a new one - by the way, they only had two left and don't expect a further shipment for over a month, so westbound transAtlanticers get the liferaft serviced early (ps we could not find anywhere to do it in Gib, either)
Amongst the bits and pieces we salvaged was a Recovery Engineering inc Survivor 06 hand operated watermaker, serial number S6A 7025, apparantly unused though the plastic bag which held it was torn. Apart from the three plastic tubes being very sticky, it appears to be as new condition. Does anyone know either this company's e mail (I cannot find it on the www) or how to tell what needs doing to make it serviceable and where to get the parts.
No, I am not going to give it to a museum