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Old 11-03-2009, 07:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 7

Hello to all of my friends out there in the cruising community. Jess and I are still landlocked and will be for the forseeable future, (kids, work, all those other four letter words - YUCK!!!), however, I believe it is time to throw some kindling on my wife's desire to get it to a burning level like mine is, so, I am investigating the sailing school scene here in Florida and am turning to all of you for some opinions of the different options out there.

As I have said in previous posts, while I have previous sailing experience, will be taking these courses with my one true love as both a refresher for myself, but more so as a means of support for her. After all, we did not make it to 25 years in a relationship by going off and doing things ourselves!!!

Here are the questions I would have for my friends out there -

1) I am planning on having both of us take courses through liveaboard cruising, and then I am planning on continuing with the courses through celestial navigation and passagemaking, as this is our final goal, to outfit us with the knowledge to be able to cross the atlantic after spending a few years traveling the coastliines of this wonderful shoreline the US and the islands have to offer. My wife does not want to take these courses at this time, is there an advantage one way or the other? (I think she is worried about information overload) -- I know there are some female skippers out there, please share with me some points I might use to persuade her that this is not the case!

2) Would anyone reccomend one school over the other? Sailing schools in Florida are about as common as recomendations for a good blue water cruiser! (LOL) I know everyone that has attended a school may think there's is the best, I would like to know why you have thought this so I can better interview the schools representative when my wife and I visit this December.

3) Finally, what is the best blue water cruiser for 30k1?!?!?!? -- (just kidding, could not resist throwing that in there!)

As always, I appreciate everyone's honest opinion. The transformation from rat race runner to cruiser has begun, and both of us are determined not to stop till we are sailing alongside all of you out there! Also, remember previous offers for landside assistance, my wife is a teacher of 16+ years, I have a great backround in real estate/insurance, if anyone needs help with some schooling or advice on FLORIDA real estate / insurance, please let me know. No charge of course! Everyone's wonderful advice is payment enough for us!

Looking forward to continued communication, good winds to all!

Steve and Jess

Final Fantasea (coming soon, hopefully)
R. Steve Hardy

Lakeland, Florida
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