Travelling sea lover looking for crew position Medditeranean - Carribean
Hi there I am new to the cruising forum. My name is Kevin Welnetz and I love sailing! I have only gotten to go twice, but both times were in the San Blas Islands, and it has me hooked for life. I am currently in Romania heading to Venice. I will try to find a boat heading to the Carribean. I wonder if anyone has good suggestions for ports to look for this oppurtunity. I can go to Italy, France, Spain, or anywhere else you think is probable for me to find a crew position. I am a bodyworker/ massage therapist from the United states with years of professional experience. I am also a good cook, and have experience preparing food on sailboats. I am good with kids as well. I have also been put on night time navagation before. I am not good with sailing terminology yet, but I think I would be a good crew member. If you have some good suggestions for me I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks so much. Happy cruising.