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Old 10-10-2005, 10:18 AM   #1
Scott Miller
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Default veggies?

Anyone have success growing vegetables and/or herbs onboard?

Tips? Advice?

Happy Thanksgiving, Fair Winds,

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Old 10-10-2005, 01:56 PM   #2
Nausikaa's Avatar
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Does mildew count ? If so...YES

Joking aside, only small stuff such as cress. Easily grown on wet paper towls. Blotting paper is probably better but (and now I am showing my age) it may be difficult to get these days.

Just sprinle the seeds on the paper and keet it wet. I put it in the bottom of a small food container.

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Old 10-10-2005, 08:12 PM   #3
JeanneP's Avatar
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Does sprouting beans count? They're easy, and provide crunch in stir-fry, some green in sandwiches and salads.

This is copied from my Cruising Dictionary (now as a free e-book

Vegetables 1

"For fresh vegetables easily carried, bean sprouts are handy and safe when you are in areas where sanitation is doubtful. Mung beans, lentils, wheat berries are tasty and easy to sprout, good in soups and stir-fry dishes as well as salads; alfalfa sprouts for salads.

- Basic technique: wash beans (eating grade) and let soak for a half hour or so in fresh water, then rinse and put in a largish jar or plastic container covered with mesh or cheesecloth and place in a dark cupboard. Twice daily rinse the bean and drain thoroughly (they will develop fungus, or rot if left to sit in water). After about three days you will have sprouts - six or more times the original volume of the seeds, so be sure the container is roomy enough.

Many health food stores sell sprouting jars. The sprouts will keep for several days to a week in the refrigerator, two or three days without refrigeration (but they'll keep growing) if they are rinsed twice daily. Alfalfa sprouts work the same way, but it's suggested that after sprouting they be put in the sun for a few hours to green them. Since they are so easy to sprout, it's not worth sprouting more than a tablespoonful or so at a time."
In 1986 we went cruising for a few years. After 20 years and 50+ countries and several oceans, we are STILL "cruising for a few years".

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