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Old 07-26-2009, 06:25 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 15

Hi guys,

I hope I'm allowed to post this here on this forum. I thought it would be permitted as I have now given up selling the boat and want to see what people have that they could offer me instead of cash for my yacht.

It is a 30ft steel Van de Stadt which is out of the water in Puerto Sherry, Spain. It is 99% ready for cruising and it comes with the most unbelievable list of extras (because I moved to Chile and couldn't take anything with me - including the yacht).

I have built an entire website with photo galleries on the yacht Off 4 a Sail. With the swap you can even have the domain name and website if you want.

My wife and I are very adventurous and are willing to consider anything from vehicles to small tropical islands.

We read on the 'net about a guy who had a paper clip and ended up after 14 swaps with a house. By our reckoning, starting with a yacht, after 14 swaps we should end up with a small country!!!!

We look forward to all suggestions - serious and not so serious!!

Take care.

Brian and Andrea

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Old 07-26-2009, 07:54 PM   #2
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The site is very nice, maybe its just not the right time to be selling a boat in Spain.. Good luck with the swap..

sv Libertalia
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Old 07-26-2009, 08:17 PM   #3
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Tell me about it.... have been selling it for a year.

I don't think anywhere is the 'right time' now!

I live in hope!

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Old 07-27-2009, 12:53 AM   #4
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As your post may be nothing more than a cry for help, despite being a thinly disguised advertisement - the boat is also being advertised in number of other places. Still makes it hard to make an exception.

Perhaps a careful re-evaluation of the content and description provided in the website may reveal why the boat has not found a buyer. Just one single example tells a story :-

Click image for larger version

Name:	Engine_Starting_Battery.jpg
Views:	32
Size:	41.9 KB
ID:	1010

The caption to this picture reads " Image3"

"The engine starting battery - Came with the boat and never let me down"

Boat built 1985. What impression does that give a potential buyer ? Battery 24 years old !**

The photo of the forward V berth with the anchor chain and windlass motor is to say the least, VERY unappealing !

Normally an advertisement of this type is pulled without notice - which may still happen in a few days.
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Old 07-27-2009, 03:03 PM   #5
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Hi there,

Of course my offer is a cry for help.... I'm skint and the boat is killing me due to the fees in the marina! The boat is still up for sale through Yes Yachting but after speaking with Zoe she though my idea was great.

So far I have had the following offers - individually.
  • a pen
  • an oversized paperclip
  • the contents of someone's basement
  • 10 days per year in an appartment in Munich, for seven years.

I do of course live in hope of better offers.

Regarding your points on the boat. The battery came with the boat which I had for only a year, that was what I was meant to say. As opposed to the house batteries which are new.

The boat was originally built in Argentina, sailed around South America then across the Atlantic. The first owner was a very clued up sailor and put the windlass and anchor chain more amidships for the weight distribution. I was going to box-in the whole installation but ran out of time. I know the next issue - water coming in through the windlass opening. When put out to sea the anchor chain is unshackled and pulled inside and a cover is screwed in place.

I'm not saying the boat is perfect, I'm just saying I had to leave Spain in a hurry and I now need someone else to take it off my hands.

I didn't want to leave Spain, I don't want to sell the boat and even worse I'd much prefer money.... but if an exchange for something I can use, of equal value, makes me and the new owner happy then it can't be all that bad.


Brian and Andrea

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Old 07-27-2009, 03:30 PM   #6
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Welcome back to CruiserLog Brian and Andrea.

I am sorry I don't have time to write a long post at the moment but it is good to hear from you again and I hope life in Chile is treating you well.

I remember only too well the problems you were facing here in Spain and the help we tried to offer you. I hope that CruiserLog can once again be of assistance to you.

Expect a longer reply from me tomorrow.

Aye // Stephen
Yacht NAUSIKAA | Call Sign: 2AJH2



= Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania
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Old 07-28-2009, 07:10 AM   #7
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Hi Brian and Andrea,

It is a tough situation you are in. Anyway, here are a couple of thoughts:

1. Andrea is busy with her studies and does not enjoy sailing anyway. Could you then Brian not sail your vessel to Chile alone or with a crew? Once there you have the most fantastic cruising ground from Puerto Montt southwards: a cruising ground which really would suit someone (Andrea) who does not like to loose sight of land.

2. Have you looked into having the boat sailed over for you?

3. If you do not want to get the boat to Chile now, what about chartering - preforably long term?

4. Sell shares in the boat. You could sell thirds or quarter shares and set up a "time share". You would convert a proportion of the boat to cash and would still be able to sail a bit every year. Arrangements would have to be made for maintenance of course.

5. As a last option, do you have a good friend whom you trust to whom you could lend the boat until you are back on your feet? The borrower covering all operational and maintenance costs for the period the vessel is lent to him or her.

Just a few ideas which, I hope, might be of help.

Aye // Stephen
Yacht NAUSIKAA | Call Sign: 2AJH2



= Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania
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Old 07-28-2009, 09:47 AM   #8
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or just rent it as a dwelling. I don't know how they do things in Spain, but in Oz a lot of people rent boats instead of appartments. They don't get to take it out but still enjoy some semblance of life on the water.

Looks like you are going to have to get creative here.
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Old 07-28-2009, 05:46 PM   #9
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Like the feedback - although I've just been offered a Manx cat! I would accept if I thought it was a cool multi hull from the Isle of Man!

Regarding sailing it over, I have given that some thought. But the question is finance. What essential equipment must I provide with the boat for someone to sail it over? How much do I contribute/pay towards getting it over? And, finally, you can see the condition of the boat by the website, the person/team involved must be fairly handy and boat savvy to get it ready for the crossing etc!

All ideas welcome!


B and A

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Old 08-03-2009, 09:47 AM   #10
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One quick question: what is the European VAT status of the boat?

Anyone thinking of buying your boat (I know someone who may be interested) would have to pay VAT on the boat if it is to be used in Europe and VAT is not already paid.

Regarding your question:

Essential equipment:

* it looks as if the boat is already well equipped but obviously life saving gear would have to be brought up to date and the onboard systems checked out and made functional

* the issue of payment would be between you and the skipper and crew. Professionals are not cheap but, as an alternative, there may well be someone willing to make the voyage for the fun of it plus his/her fares to and from the vessel.

* the preparation of the boat for the crossing should idealy be supervised by the skipper making the passage.

The difficulty here is finding someone with the right experience who has the time and interest to make the trip without you having to pay a fortune for it. The cos of a professional delivery skipper could make the entire transport project unviable.

Aye // Stephen

Yacht NAUSIKAA | Call Sign: 2AJH2



= Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania
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