Greetings name is Karl.I've been browsing this forum for some time now and thought i'd drop in and share my story or lack there of.I have recently plunged myself into the deep end of something i have not done before...sailing.My wife and i bought a 42" Van der stadt flamingo,with the idea of cruising and living life to the full,instead of the mundane drag of day to day life we currently find ourselves in.I have a day skippers and 800 miles.We will be selling up at the end of the year.Then we will spend the next four months sail training and own boat sailing before we head up to Mozambique.Can anyone give some input on budgets,diesel prices, places to go,what to take etc etc.I gather from what i have read this would be the best place to start(Mozambique) as it would be April and weather conditions are favourable.I am open to any advice and look forward to hearing from you.
happy days