Happy holidays!
Hello and happy holidays! I am an American living abroad and would like to learn more about sailing and livaboards. It's my retirement goal to spend part of the year (3-4 months) off the Florida Keys. Maybe, if we're feeling adventurous, we'd attempt to cross the Gulf Stream in order to enjoy a Caribbean winter or two. I'm partial to catamarans but am admittedly ignorant to the finer points of what I'm suggesting. In the end, I'd like something "comfortable" for my wife and me and would love the flexibility to have one of the kids (and maybe their wife and kids) join us for a week. So...something for two that could hold four to six for a few days. Again, I plea ignorance. Retirement isn't exactly on the short range calendar so I have pleanty of time to figure it out. Thanks for allowing me to learn from you. I look forward to getting to know you.