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Old 12-21-2008, 02:28 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1

Hi there sailors

I'm a female Brit with little experience in sailing but am keen to learn more! I'm awaiting my visa to be processed to emigrate to sunny Oz but in the meantime I feel it necessary to engage in some more travels

I worked on dive boats as a hostess/deckhand in the Whitsunday Islands for a couple of months, so I do have some idea of what life at sea entails. I'm quite open to where I go, but am quite interested in doing an Atlantic crossing, and/or sailing the Caribbean and/or Central America from the beginning of Feb '09.

I love diving and am quite into amateur underwater photography. I speak a few languages (in order of fluency: Portuguese, French, German & Spanish - the latter is fairly proficient but is more 'Portunol'!). The technical side of my brain has been well worked over the last year (I work in Operations for a luxury carmaker) so I would like to think I'd pick up the technical side of sailing quite well. I can cook but would prefer not to be confined to the galley for each meal, unless the other crew members' cooking pose serious health risks I'm in contact with a few people on another site but by chance have come across this one, so who knows what I might find here!

I'm looking forward to exploring more opportunities and 'meeting' fellow like-minded people


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Old 12-21-2008, 04:27 PM   #2
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Welcome aboard Alex.

It is best to post a message in our "Crewfinder" section as skippers/owners will not be looking on THIS section for crew.

Good luck in finding what you're looking for.


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Old 12-21-2008, 05:44 PM   #3
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G'day Alex,

Sounds like you've the credentials to secure the spot you seek. Good luck with the plans and enjoy the land downunder!

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Old 12-21-2008, 06:34 PM   #4
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Welcome aboard Alex, and good luck.

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=Mediterranean,Black Sea,North Atlantic,Caribbean
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