Hello all of interest,
I am the Nightwatch. My wife and I have lived aboard our Durbeck 46 for 12 years. We restored this boat and plan to go cruising in 4 years, good Lord willing. I am beginning to get the boat ready for off shore cruising by purchasing equipment needed during these next 4 years. The idea is to get gear that will not become obsolete or worn out in that period. I am currently shopping for a SSB.
I have not had the opportunity to scan the forum, but will be looking for ideas and comment on quality and good common sense on the purchase of many of these items i.e. what works and what does not.
If anyone is interested, I have a blog;
http://sailingnightwatch.wordpress.com/ that covers the restoration of Nightwatch, sailing in the Pensacola FL area and anything else that hits my cynical mind. I try to add to it twice a week.