So I want a tattoo, in fact I've always wanted one since I discovered crayola markers as a kid but more so desperately in recent years. Unfortunately my only fear in the world is commitment and there's no going back with a tattoo, heck even a kid you can escape from, but a tramp stamp is always right behind you no matter how fast you run. I guess at this point you're wondering why a guy with some body art insecurities is posting a thread on a yachting forum. Well as it turns out I heard a little rumour in a dark corner of a dingy bar full of pirates and thieves that anyone worthy of sailing around the South African horn or the South American horn is eligible for either a tattoo or an ear piercing and since ear piercings were never cool and pose an occupational health risk if you ever wanted to work in a broom factory, I've decided that circumnavigating the world via the open seas is a perfectly reasonable thing to do to acquire a tattoo, probably a small one, hidden between the webs of my toes but none the less deserved.
Now before you judge me and think I'm naive and ridiculous.... let it be known that you're probably right. However I did once motorcycle across Africa and nearly die from a tick bite, tried to hike across Papua New Guinea and failed miserably where I was rescued and lived with natives tribes for months, kayaked the third longest navigable river in the world to find out that it was in fact.. very long, bicycled across the second largest country in the world just to save money on gas among other naive and ridiculous adventures that I've foolishly followed through with.
So now my next endeavour is to circumnavigate the world via the open seas and anyone who would like the be part of this new journey I would love to hear from. I don't own a boat "yet" and don't know how to tie a bowline.
Hello to all and its a pleasure to meet you. My name is Joe but you can call me what you like.
Making dreams come true
Youtube - Joeguycanada