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Old 06-29-2009, 04:12 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2

I'm new to the Tavern. My boat, Kijro, is based in Trinidad at the moment, but I'm planning to sail her to Micronesia, via the Panama Canal, beginning in April, 2010. Doing lots of work now getting the boat ready. I have to work from August to December (in Micronesia), which explains the delay in departing.

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Old 06-30-2009, 07:16 AM   #2
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Welcome aboard!

Pull up a chair and enjoy the friendly banter here, join in the debates and have fun.

Do also let us know how your cruising plans to Micronesia materialise!

Aye // Stephen

Yacht NAUSIKAA | Call Sign: 2AJH2


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Old 07-02-2009, 05:04 AM   #3
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Welcome to the CL and best wishes for your cruising plans. When you make it to Micronisia please let us know so that we too can share with your experiences. Also do look up our international Cruising Guide wiki for information and please consider adding your observations.

Fair winds


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