As our boat is pretty "hollow" on the inside as we prepare for launch, we're a little concerned that we won't have the necessary ballast. We're putting off the building in of two of our three water tanks and won't be installing the larger battery bank for a bit. All of these are low, below the waterline and provide needed ballast. Estimating that we're shy about 2,000 to 3,000 lbs...I was planning on getting some lead to place on top the keel for the near term until I realized the price for lead is about $1.70/lb. Makes me think of getting the 1,000 lbs of extra lead acid batteries now rather than later...So, we've been joking around about using a good supply of extra canned goods for cheap ballast. Well, we were just at the commissary (military grocery store) and saw sale prices on 16 fl oz canned beans, black beans, corn, cheap as $0.25/can. There's my cheap ballast