Yea! Glad you have CopperCoat now. We found that the first 6 months the "bright" and brown color of CopperCoat was less effective at antifouling than that which turned green more quickly. Once it is ALL green, it is much more effective, IMHO. There is one red sponge looking thing that really doesn't care that CopperCoat is on the hull, it will attach itself anyway. Thus, while in So. Cal, we still cleaned the CopperCoat every 6 weeks or so. We also had this spider-web looking stuff (whispy) that we called the "Tumble weeds" that showed up one time that we waited 3 months to clean the hull and we were mostly not sailing. It was easy to wipe away, but very odd looking stuff.
Will look forward to hearing how the performance is in your waters.
We hauled out (after 14 months) to do our annual maintenance, raise the waterline, and add a bootstripe. Our bootstripe is black Pettit Vivid, btw, which won't turn green but rather stay black and still has antifouling properties.