Originally Posted by MMNETSEA
This site any use? HERE
Actually, that's the place we purchased the TC from! LOL
Since making my posting, I considered using a voltage amplifier (common, cheap and easy to come by for the Type K TC). This would have allowed us to monitor a voltage on the CruzPro and then I'd have to keep a table at hand to know the temperature vs voltage. It is a linear curve, so would work. In the near term, we put a Vohm meter on the leads and the T vs mV table at the console.
In the longer term...we'll likely put a CruzPro product on it which converts the analog signal to NMEA0183 so it will be easier to monitor via the CruzPro MaxVu. Only problem is that the CruzPro MaxVu only has a limited number of 0183 inputs whereas it has lots and lots of analog inputs available to use. Always something.