Originally Posted by MMNETSEA
Check out the PC 2150-S the best replacement for 8Ds
The link you sent is for a Group 31 battery, not an 8D.
Odyssey doesn't list the AMP Hours of their batteries, but they do say "Reserve capacity: 205 minutes on 25amps" which equates to 85.4 AMP Hours. The 8D I mentioned earlier has 250 AMP hours. It would take 3 PC2150s to replace the UB-8D, which would cost $1050 plus shipping and extra wiring to hook them together.
The Odyssey PC2150 weighs 77.8lbs, while the UB8D weighs 160.94lbs (approximate 2x as much). That's a lot more lead, and therefore capacity, in the UB8D.
From Odyssey's website: "Pure Lead Plates: Constructed from 99.99% pure virgin lead, ODYSSEY battery plates are extremely thin, so more of them can fit into the battery. More lead plates equals more power."
Actually, more lead equals more power. More surface area through thinner plates equals higher transfer rate of that power. A deep cycle battery must be larger than a starting battery to be used as a starting battery, for just this reason. A starting battery can never be used as a deep cycle for the reason listed below...
From Windsun.com: "Plate thickness (of the Positive plate) matters because of a factor called "positive grid corrosion". This ranks among the top 3 reasons for battery failure. The positive (+) plate is what gets eaten away gradually over time, so eventually there is nothing left - it all falls to the bottom as sediment. Thicker plates are directly related to longer life, so other things being equal, the battery with the thickest plates will last the longest"