Locker bottoms
Like almost everyone, I have settee lockers which have the hull of the boat as their bottom. This is an awkward shape, but maximizes the volume of the locker.
For years I have been living with this. Recently I have re-thought this. Trying to improve my canned goods locker, I decided to put in plastic boxes to hold cans - both to organize them and to keep occasional small amounts of sea water from attacking the cans.
After trying different boxes, I realized they needed a flat bottom to rest on or they get damaged quickly. I took one locker and put 3/4 inch quarter-round stock glued and screwed to the wood and cut locker bottoms of marine plywood to rest on the quarter-round and the hull.
The locker is 3 or 4 inches shallower, but still has 9 full inches above the shelf. I now have my food in boxes that sit on the false bottom I created. I can store things like extra lengths of hose below the bottom - stuff I probably never need and which won't be damaged by sea water.
This worked so well, I've decided to do more of my lockers.
Has anyone else done this? If so, how has it worked out for you? So far I find that while I have slightly less storage space, the space I have is far more useable.
 : San Diego