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Old 05-23-2012, 06:27 PM   #1
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Default Latest Piracy Report

Monthly Incidents by Region
(U) This section lists reports of active violence against shipping, credible threats to shipping, or
the potential for a situation to develop into a direct threat to shipping over the last 30 days.
Designation of a high-threat area is based on an assessment of all source information relating to
the existence of, or potential for, piracy and other crime, terrorism, civil unrest, or low-intensity
conflict. Every effort is made to ensure that incidents are not double-counted. In the event
double-counting is detected, or an incident is later learned to be different than initially reported,
an explanation of the cancellation of the inaccurate report will be made in at least one message
prior to dropping the erroneous report.
A. (U) NORTH AMERICA: No current incidents to report.
1. (U) COLOMBIA: Bulk carrier was boarded on 13 May while underway at 03:46 N - 077:27
W, around 9.4 nm from Isla La Palma, Buenaventura. Four pirates boarded the bulk carrier while
it was waiting for berthing instructions. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered and
approached the pirates with steel pipes. The pirates jumped overboard and escaped with stolen
ship's stores.
D. (U) ATLANTIC OCEAN AREA: No current incidents to report.
E. (U) NORTHERN EUROPE–BALTIC: No current incidents to report.
1. (U) EGYPT: Product tanker was boarded on 14 May while anchored at 29:50 N - 032:31 E,
Port Suez Anchorage, Egypt. Pirates boarded an anchored product tanker unnoticed, stole ship
stores and escaped unnoticed. The theft occurred during a sandstorm when the duty crewman
was called into the accommodation. Port control was informed.
2. (U) EGYPT: Bulk Carrier boarded on 30 April while anchored at 31:12 N – 029:45 E, El
Dekheila Anchorage, Egypt. Six pirates armed with knives boarded an anchored bulk carrier.
D/O raised the alarm and three crewmembers rushed forward to try and stop the robbery. The
robbers threatened the crewmembers with knives and they retreated and armed themselves with
iron rods and confronted the pirates with the other crew. The pirates escaped with the stolen
crewmembers property and ship’s stores in their boats after seeing the armed crewmembers. Port
control was contacted but they received no response.
1. (U) NIGERIA: Supply Vessel was boarded on 08 May underway at 03:53 N – 005:35 E, near
Pennington Oil Terminal, Nigeria. Six pirates armed with assault rifles in a speed boat launched
from a fishing trawler boarded a supply vessel towing a barge. The alarm was raised and the
crew mustered in the citadel. The crew exited citadel 90 minutes later and found the pirates had
left. They inspected the vessel and noticed that the bridge windows were damaged and ship
properties were stolen.
2. (U) NIGERIA: Supply Vessel was hijacked on 07 May at 04:26 N - 004:58 E Nigeria. While
underway, the pirates hijacked a supply vessel and took 17 crew members as hostages. The
pirates released the crew and the vessel at 1755 UTC.
3. (U) DEM. REP. CONGO: Container Vessel was boarded while anchored on 27 April at 05:51
S - 013:24 E, around 4.5 nm from Port of Matadi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Four boats
with seven pirates armed with knives approached and boarded the vessel. The crew noticed the
pirates and raised the alarm. They also contacted the local port authorities. The pirates later
escaped with stolen ship cargo. The crew is safe.
4. (U) TOGO: Oil Tanker was approached while anchored on 25 April at 06:02 N – 001:15 E,
6 nm southwest of Lome, Togo. Two boats with eight pirates in each approached the anchored
oil tanker, one from the forward and the other from aft. The crew raised the alarm and spotlights
were directed towards the boats. The ships master informed Togo Navy officials and the crew
was able to deter the pirates. The boats were seen leaving the immediate area. Later that day, the
crew noticed the boats approaching again but they were again able to deter the attempted attack.
5. (U) TOGO: Product Tanker was hijacked while anchored on 30 April at 06:01 N – 001:20 E,
Lome, Anchorage, Togo. The owners of a product tanker anchored off Lome received a phone
call from the Master who appeared to be under duress. The owners believe the vessel may have
been hijacked. There are 24 crew members onboard the vessel. The IMB Piracy Reporting
Centre has contacted the local authorities and requested assistance in locating the missing vessel.
1. (U) RED SEA: Bulk Carrier was approached while underway on 29 April at 13:16 N – 042:55
E, Bab El Mandeb Straits, Red Sea. Four skiffs approached the bulk carrier underway at 20
knots. The ship raised alarm and sounded the ship’s horn; all non-essential crewmembers
mustered in the citadel. All four skiffs stopped their approach at 1.5nm away. Two of the four
skiffs made another attempt to approach the ship two minutes later. They stopped their approach
at 1nm when they saw the armed security team onboard. Six of the eight pirates were armed and
carrying guns.
1. (U) OMAN: Liberian-flagged crude oil tanker pirated on 10 May while underway at 15:58 N –
061:02 E, around 250 nm southeast of Ras Al Madrakah, Oman. Ten pirates in two skiffs armed
with automatic weapons chased a crude oil tanker underway. The tanker enforced anti piracy
measures, increased speed, made evasive maneuvers and managed to evade the boarding attempt
resulting in the skiffs regrouping with the mother ship in the vicinity. Later, the skiffs launched a
second attack on the tanker, approached at a speed of 24 knots and managed to successfully
board and hijack the vessel and take hostage the 26 crew members.
2. (U) YEMEN: Tanker fired upon on 10 May while underway at 14:18 N - 058:27 E around
260 nm east-northeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Six pirates in a skiff approached and fired upon
a tanker underway from a distance of 500 meters. The armed security team returned fire which
resulted in the skiff aborting and moving away.
3. (U) YEMEN: Crude oil tanker attacked on 09 May while underway at 10:40 N - 060:04 E
345 nm east-southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. Pirates in two skiffs armed with AK47 and
RPG approached the crude tanker. The pirates fired seven RPG rounds and more than 300 AK-
47 rounds at the tanker from 500 meters away. Effective anti piracy measures resulted in the
skiffs aborting and moving away. No injuries from the crew but the vessel sustained damage
from the weapons firing.
4. (U) YEMEN: Container ship experienced an attempted boarding on 07 May at 08:17 N-
056:29 E, around 275 nm southeast of Socotra Island, Yemen. (Off Somalia) Pirates in three
skiffs approach and attempted to board a container ship underway. Alarm sounded and all non
essential crew mustered in the citadel. Rocket parachute flares fired to warn the approaching
skiffs. When the skiffs closed to less than 0.5nm the on board security team fired warning shots
resulting in the skiffs aborting the attack and moving away.
5. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Tanker was approached while underway on 26 April at 11:56 N –
044:39 E, 19nm from “A” IRTC, Gulf of Aden. Four skiffs manned with four pirates armed with
AK 47 rifles chased the tanker. All non essential crew mustered in the citadel. The onboard
armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the pirate attack being aborted.
6. (U) YEMEN: Fishing dhow hijacked on 21 April underway at 15:20 N - 052:12 E 17nm South
of Ras Fartak, Yemen. Somalia pirates hijacked a fishing vessel and two of her skiffs underway.
J. (U) PERSIAN GULF: No current incidents to report.
1. (U) INDONESIA: Bulk Carrier was boarded on 10 May while underway at 03:42 S-114:27 E,
Taboneo Anchorage, Indonesia. Pirates boarded the anchored bulk carrier during cargo
operations and stole ship's stores from the ships forecastle and escaped before being spotted by
the crew. Authorities were informed and boarded the vessel to conduct an inspection.
2. (U) INDONESIA: Bulk Carrier was boarded while at anchor on 12 May at 01:11 S - 117:13 E,
Muara Jawa Anchorage, Samarinda, Indonesia. Pirates boarded an anchored bulk carrier and
stole ship's stores and escaped unnoticed. The theft was noticed by the duty A/B during routine
rounds on deck.
3. (U) INDONESIA: Product Tanker was boarded on 08 May underway at 01:13 N – 104:53 E:
16 nm North East from Bintan Island, Indonesia. The duty OOW onboard a product tanker
underway spotted two speed boats approaching at a high speed. The alarm was raised and the
tanker made evasive maneuvers and directed the search lights aimed towards the boats and it sent
a distress message. Pirates later boarded the tanker via the poop deck by using a portable ladder
but they could not get access into the accommodation that was locked and secured from the
inside. The crew mustered and remained on the bridge until the pirates disembarked 30 minutes
later. The crew was not injured and nothing was stolen.
4. (U) MALAYSIA: Tug Boat was hijacked underway on 17 April at South China Sea. A tug
towing a barge was hijacked while enroute from Langkawi, Malaysia to Tawau, East Malaysia.
The tug and barge in tow left Langkawi on 12 April. The last contact the Owners had with the
tug was on 16 April after the vessel was hijacked. The seven crew members of the tug were set
adrift and were rescued by a Vietnamese fishing vessel and safely landed in Vietnam. The barge
was later located in the vicinity of Palawan island, Philippines on the 26 April by the Philippine
Coast Guard. The hijacked tug is still missing.
5. (U) INDONESIA: Bulk carrier boarded on 20 April while anchored at 01:10 S 117:15 E, SIFIED
Samarinda Anchorage (Muara Jawa), Indonesia. The duty AB onboard an anchored bulk carrier
noticed a boat near the forecastle. Eight pirates boarded and tied the AB's hands and feet, made
him lie down on deck and started lowering the mooring ropes. The AB managed to free his feet
and ran aft for help and to inform the duty officer. The alarm was raised and the crew mustered
on the forecastle. The pirates managed to escape with ships stores and merchandise. Local
authorities were informed and the ship received no response.
6. (U) SINGAPORE: Container ship boarded on 24 April while anchored at 01:14 N – 103:35 E
Singapore Straits. The container vessel was boarded by a group of pirates. They stole ships stores
and later escaped.
L. (U) NORTH ASIA: No current incidents to report.
M. (U) PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC OCEAN: No current incidents to report.

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Old 03-06-2013, 01:05 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2013
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It is scary to hear about the piracy attacks in different regions. It important to learn about these pirate attacks to make our selves prepared and reroute our ways if needed to keep our selves away from these pirates.

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Old 01-15-2014, 07:11 PM   #3
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Good news? BBC News - Drop in sea piracy helped by big Somali improvement, says watchdog
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

What we're doing - The sailing life aboard and the Schooner Chandlery.

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Old 04-07-2014, 10:42 PM   #4
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As I'm building and organizing my network of resources, I have this site as one of the bests regarding piracy alerts.

Live Piracy Map

I like the map and the info around it.

Please submit more if you have it in your favourites.
Dos Santos
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Old 04-08-2014, 03:08 AM   #5
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Thanks Dos Santos. There are several good sites which show the frequency of world piracy. The link you supplied above seems to be a good quick and quite well detailed resource. Thanks again and welcome to the forum.
"if at first you don't succeed....Redefine success"!

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Old 04-09-2014, 01:42 AM   #6
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Default Arrgh, they are around every corner

Everything I saw was a ship. Have they ceased with all of us pain in the *** cruisers?

If you ever get taken whine incessantly, ask for seconds, and have odd and peculiar spells when you talk to someone who is not present. It will either get you shot quickly or turned loose before what ever you are suffering from becomes epidemic.


Motivational Group Leader and Life Coach
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