Originally Posted by MMNETSEA' date='13 June 2010 - 11:03 AM
Pirates on trial? Yes, but, to quote Sir William Schwenck Gilbert and his "most humane Mikado", "let the punishment fit the crime".
In the past, pirates could expect no lesser sanction then to be strung up and hung by their necks until their bodies became devoid of life although, occasionally, they did receive lighter punishments, such as being committed to the pillory or stocks after having been flogged. Of course, whilst shackled to the pillory or stocks the criminal had to suffer the onslaught of insults and garbage and even blows which rained down on him or her. This was the rule of the day and a person in the stocks could also die from injuries sustained whilst thus confined.
Our modern-day pirates, on the other hand and if convicted, can expect no more than a few years in a comfortable Dutch prison with three square meals a day. They will be provided with toiletries and more fresh, clean water than they could dream of in Somalia. They will be allowed books, and if they cannot read they will be taught. They will be allowed religious freedom and, consequently, a special diet. Given their origins, an area (not a country really) in a more or less permanent state of war; limited and polluted water; food shortages and lack of variety; poor, where existent, education and the general filth and squalor associated with abject poverty, they will not suffer in a Dutch prison. In fact, Dutch prison life for them must be a significant step upwards.
This scum will cost the Dutch taxpayer a huge amount of money and to what end? They will not perceive prison as a punishment. They will mix with other criminals and become more proficient at their chosen “profession” and, worst of all, the word will spread around that there is no threat in being caught which will just encourage further piracy.
These animals should be completely and permanently removed from society. I do not sanction death as a punishment but certainly, in this case, hard labour for the rest of their natural lives. Anything less is too good for them and if this means a slow lingering death marked by hard labor and bad food then so be it.
Aye // Stephen