Hi Emily, I wish you luck in your quest for a crew spot on a cruising boat. There are many boats travelling through the Philippines en route to Japan, or, having crossed the North Pacific, heading for Asian ports to your west and even south to Australia. It may be worth your while to visit your local sailing clubs and offer to crew on boats engaged in club events.
The main reason for my post is to advise you of the normal arrangements which apply to crew on voyaging boats. You should expect to pay an equal share for food and beverage provisions. You should not be expected to pay any money toward maintenance of the boat, including the cost of fuel to run the engine.
A daily fee should not be imposed upon you. The way you 'pay' for your passage is by being a good crew member. You will need to assist in all activities regarding the sailing of the vessel, housework, cooking and watch keeping.
You should have your own bunk, and area for stowage of limited personal belongings and you will need to become familiar with safety drills as determined by the skipper.
It is a great way to see the world. The work is not generally difficult but you need to understand that when at sea, you are on call 24/7.
Best of luck.
" if at first you don't succeed....Redefine success"!