Exp crew available, Tahiti to Tonga/Fiji/NZ
I am a 47 yr old Australian guy who is towards the latter end of a world circumnavigation as crew. I am looking to secure my next ride from Panama (or somewhere nearby) to the South Pacifc and then NZ or Aus. Unfortunately the skipper of my current boat has developed a health issue so is unsure if he is carrying on.
I am looking for a ride for the next leg and will go via NZ so Tonga or Fiji (as jump off points) or NZ would suit me fine. I can do all the usual boat jobs as required, have a good sense of humour and are looking to enjoy myself along the way.
The boat I am on is currently anchored in Tahiti and will probably be until late in July so I am available anytime prior to this. As a result though I have infrequent internet access.
Pls contact me to discuss iansmithausatgmail.com,
Thanks Ian