Far be it from me to appear biased, but I really do think everyone should be looking at a canoe stern, double ender cutter for their next vessel purchase.
I'm thinking probably something around the 33' length with a bit of character but the longevity and low maintenance of fibre glass.
Having a bucket load of ultra modern, new gear and a new set of sails is probably also going to be an important requirement. A professional 2 pack respray for the hull and deck might also be something to look for.
Gee - well if that's really how everyone is thinking - have I the yacht for you!!!
Written all very much with tongue firmly planted in cheek and no ulterior motives whatsoever!
Seriously though - good look in your search. Look at lots, ask lots and when you have finished - ask and look lots further - before you know it - a yacht will catch your eye and you'll know.
Fair winds,