my 2 cents
I don't really have extensive experience with the Cyclades.
I've sailed them for short stints and had a good look around a couple. And probably like many here, read the reviews of them when they were first launched. What I do know about them is that they were beneteau's response to Bavaria yachts, which were much cheaper than the beneteaus, and taking over the European cruiser and world charter market. Beneteau retooled their whole production facility and changed the way that they made their boats. (they were already 'mass production' but they went from mass production (in comparison to companies like island packet, or hallberg rassy) to uber production).
They looked at every facet of the boat and re-engineered it to be remove material to make it cheaper, or to make it quicker and easier to build to make it cheaper.
People are very dismissive of bendytoys for offshore sailing, but there are many that have sailed around the world successfully and safely - BUT I don't know of any that have done it in a Cyclades. For weekend sailing, and island hopping I think the boat would be fine. For the money that you're going to pay for a 2007 Cyclades you could buy a much more capable offshore boat, even from the same manufacturer. Also I think you'll find when you come to selling the boat you will have a) an awful lot of competition from the charter companies, and b)a market perception that the boats are very light duty/poor quality etc
The beneteau first series were their racing boats - In my experience these are well built and strong, and I have sailed them with a full crew in 50 kt winds with no trouble at all. They hold their value quite well too.
Look for first 42s5 or 40.7.
As with all ex racing yachts and charter yachts you need to get a good survey done, and expect to have to replace some stuff.
I think the oceanis are quite good as well, and there are plenty of them on the market.
Of course there are much better built, stronger, heavier, safer boats. And for this kind of money you could afford some of them, but they will be 10 to 20 years older than the one you're looking at.