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Old 03-27-2009, 02:05 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3

Hi to All,

My name is Peter and I have just joined because that is pretty much the only way I can get to post a topic on this forum.

I have placed this topic here because I'm not sure where else to put it so if the Moderator wishes to move it to another sub-forum, please do so.

I am employed by the Independent Communication Authority of S.A. (ICASA) as a Radiocommunication interference and licensing officer and, as such, am very interested in the combination of Amateur and Marine radio matters. (Actually I've had an interest in Maritime radio for many years but only been involved with Ham radio for about 15 years). As many of you will probably know, if you are Hams, there has been an amendment of the International Amateur radio regulations to increase the scope of the 7 MHz (40 metres) band from 7,000 - 7,100 MHz, which is what it was, to 7,000 - 7,200 MHz. Most countries around the world have either effected the change in their own regs already or are on the point of doing so. In South Africa the amendment has to be Gazetted into law and it was hoped that this would be done before the end of this month, however, it looks as if this will unfortunately not be the case so we will probably only be able to use the additional spectrum next month (or even later).

Again, as many of you will probably know, there is a Maritime Net run in S.A. on 14,316 MHz and 7,045 MHz, depending on the time of day, by Alastair Campbell, callsign ZS5MU. The 7 MHz frequency may have to change in accordance with the modified bandplan which mostly caters for morse and digital transmissions below 7,100 MHz and SSB voice, etc, between 7,100 MHz and 7,200 MHz. There is an Emergency segment between 7,100 and 7,130 MHz with the Centre of Activity (CoA) frequency of 7,110 MHz. It has been proposed that Alastair's Maritime net moves from its present 7,045 MHz to just above the Emergency segment at 7,130 MHz (the 14,316 MHz frequency will not be affected). My question, on his behalf, is: Will this proposed move cause insurmountable technical problems to a lot of users of the net or will it be easily effected for most persons with reasonably modern radio apparatus? Some older Ham equipment particularly may not be capable of operation on 7,130 MHz but the newer stuff should not have a problem. Antennas also should not present much difficulty as virtually all radio installations incorporate an ATU which should cope with the altered frequency.

It would be much appreciated if some feedback could be obtained from the actual users of this Net and your comments will be gratefully accepted (providing they are polite!!).

Thanks and best regards, or 73 to all


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Old 03-27-2009, 02:18 PM   #2
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Welcome aboard Peter. We hope to see much more of you here.

Also see the Marine Radio Section on the Cruising Wiki.

To answer your query, "MMNETSEA" will be along shortly and I am sure that he will have much input for you (he is the Net Controller on MMNETSEA).

Make yourself at home and we look forward to lots of assistance from you on these forums.


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Old 03-28-2009, 06:51 AM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Hello Peter,

I guess the South African 40 meter band on 7,045MHz is used by cruising boats when they are in propagation range of South Africa (ie.. fairly close -- eg +/- 500km)

Here in South East Asian and Oceania, HF 40 meter traffic is conducted in the upper side band range 7,100 <> 7,300 MHz (being in Region 2) 7,161 MHz is just one frequency in use.

I personally see no difficulty in South Africa's maritime net's switch from 7,045 to 7,130 either from a technical point of view and or knowing that a change has taken place, as most cruising boats with HF radio in when in region 1, will probably use the evening frequency of 14,316 MHz where they can be advised of the change of frequency in the 40 meter band.

Once the Change has taken place -- Cruiser Log will be happy to advise the new frequency in our forums - also to include it in our Cruising Wiki.


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Old 03-31-2009, 03:44 PM   #4
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Hi "Lighthouse" and Richard, thanks for the welcome and comments from you both. I had hoped there would have been a few more over the weekend but I guess everyone is more concerned with the practicalities of sailing as opposed to the more esoteric "what if's" of communications!!

Still, it is early days and the proposed change will not take place for quite a while yet so there is more than ample time to finally decide on a new frequency, although 7,125 has been suggested and seems like a good idea. Will check in again regularly and, once the SA regulations have been amended to allow for the change in frequency, I'll advise you accordingly.

Thanks again and ciao for now

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Old 04-03-2009, 05:52 PM   #5
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This should be a straightforward change for most all of us.
sail fast, dave

S/V Auspicious
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Old 04-10-2009, 08:08 AM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 3

Hi Peter,

You could try talking to the guys at CTARC Capetown, to see what they think, they have a "ragchew" on Sunday mornings at 8.30am on 145.750 mhz( or you could email them). Shaun is the chairman and a good fellow, his callsign is ZS1RA and has crossed the Atlantic with ZS1JNT staying in close radio contact with other Hams including Alistair.

It sounds to me like it would not be a problem.

Cheers Tezza. VK2FTJW.

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