Has anyone seen the new movie Open Water 2 - Adrift? I rented it last night and I don't remember ever seeing a movie that drove me more nuts than this one! I'm not saying it wasn't a good movie, but I just couldn't stop the frustration I had with these individuals in the water. They were doomed from the get go and maybe that was part of the plot.
For anyone that has not seen it, you may wish to stop reading this so as not to spoil the story, but the main premise of the story is that 6 people take a large sailboat out to enjoy a day together. Somehow, they all end up in the water without deploying a ladder. This ties into something that I replied to in this forum regarding swimming around in the deep blue. The movie is based on true events and maybe that was one of them I don't know but these 6 people are in the water with an infant still on board, which I guess adds to the suspense. The boat is adrift with a freeboard of about 6'.
I have to believe that the frustration I had with this group was planted as there couldn't be a more unintelligent group of people in the world. I could almost buy the whole "Whoops, where's the ladder" idea but lets take an inventory of what went into the water with them.
1. Knife!
2. 4' blow up dolphin
3. Pair of snorkel goggles
4. PFD - Worn by one of the members that was afraid of the water.
5. Later, what looked like a jacket or even wetsuit top.
6. All the bathing suits and clothing that was worn by those that went in.
I would like to think that if some of the people on this forum ended up in the water with me, that SOMEONE would have said, OK, lets take inventory of what we have and how we can use it to get back on board

I had come up with at least 5 unique ways by using what was in the water to get back on board.
Anyone have any suggestions???