Originally Posted by atavist
I was very recently looking at the ingredients of a jar of Half Sour Pickles... Salt, Garlic, Dill, Cumin, .... that's it... and they keep... I never realized before that pickling was quite so simple... ....
So my quandry is, does anyone here do any primitive forms of pickling?? ... no fridges... no vinegar??
vinegar of course keeps but is yet another minescule expense, while brine/salt water is obviously free....
input?? other than brining then drying fish how do you use sea salt water to you advantage for food preservation????
You don't need refrigeration for pickling-just need a set up for canning. Pickles aren't going to taste like pickles without the vinegar. But, you can "can" anything you want and it will keep in the jars.
White vinegar is useful for a variety of things including--
+cleaning supply that's cheaper than anything you might buy,
+making home-made mayonnaise (without refrigeration, being able to make small batches is a good thing),
+you can pour it in the toilet to keep the salt water related sludge from building up in the piping.
Generally, canning with Kosher salt is what I do. No iodine in it to mess up the pickles and its plenty cheap to buy.