Sailing In Hawaii
I just sailed to Hawaii a few months ago and have learned a lot about the sailing over here. Sailing conditions inter-island can be very rough but once you get to the island of your choice it can be absolute paradise! I thought people might be interested in a few facts you should know about sailing over here.
First of all, there are no bareboat options in Hawaii. Why? In a nutshell, Insurance costs are too high and the channels are very rough going…too much for the average sailor…The only way to charter a boat over here is hiring a captain (and/or crew) along with the boat. That makes things a bit more crowded, but it also means you can leave the boat and go exploring any time you want. Plus, the crew has local knowledge and knows where to go.
There are a few “mom and pop” boats out here, mainly run by live aboard couples. If you are looking for a nice new boat to charter then the only real option is the company I am with called Pacific Yacht Management. They have the nicest sailboats and crew by a long shot. Their site also has information about cruising in Hawaii…you should find a link on the homepage.
You also need to plan your trips according to the time of year. For instance, Hanalei Bay (in Kaui) has stunning views of the beach, Na Pali mountains and waterfalls…it is surely one of the most beautiful anchorages you’ll ever see. During the summer months this bay is as peaceful and tranquil as can be, but during the winter is a whole different story. So, you’ll have to do your research before you plan your trip.
If you have any questions about chartering here in Hawaii, please shoot me an email… I’d be more than happy to help. captain****** (remove the stars)
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