The Ambon race sets off in 8 weeks. Boats will be looking for crew shortly and numbers need to be confirmed so that the CAITs (Clearance Application for Indonesian Territory) can be submitted for approval. Crew names must be included on the CAIT and once the application is made, it cannot be changed. So if you commit, don't back out as it can have serious effects upon the remaining crew and the boat.
It is a great event and has a long history. As Del points out many boats will be looking for crew. Some boats will sail the event then return to Darwin. Generally they want crew for the whole trip. Others, mainly international entries, will be happy to take on crew for the outbound trip to Ambon. But getting in early is the key.
Put a few flyers up at both DBCYA and at the Darwin Sailing Club. Also visit the noticeboards at Cullen Bay Marina, Bayview Haven and the Duck pond. Emphasise the experience you do have and don't promote the musical skills so much...But if you're a decent cook, plug the fact relentlessly.
For information regarding the event, have a look here:
Darwin to Ambon Yacht Race & Rally
Have fun!