How do you deal with it?
I have a mailbox right in front of my house, with regular delivery 6 days a week. Other than regular Netflix DVD and magazine subsriptions, and the occasional books I order, most everything else in the mail box is junk, and a severe waste of resources. I have been paying bills and have had on-line banking since late last century. The movies I can easily do without and most of the magazines and some of the books are available on the net.
As a cruiser, how do you deal with those occasional items that you really want or need?
E.g. Need a packing gland, a special filter, want a good referance book, threw the last winch handle overboard by mistake.... (as if the first 3 were intentional)
How do you meet up with the item?
Have it shipped ahead; to your destination; to what address or service location?
Are there services that cater to this need?