Earlier this week I was searching the world news, about this little gust of wind, now classified as a Super Typhoon, and found virtually nothing. On the other hand the world weather agencies are buzzing with reports, forecasts and predictions. I think the world news headlines are about to change, over the next few hours, and days, as this storm strikes land and population.
The local news in Denver Colorado, US, just had a very brief report and acknowledgement of Man-Yi.
......NOW, the world news reports Man-Yi; sort of like closing the gate after the livestock ran free.
I do not mean to be so critical of the news reporting agencies, and trust those agencies in the affected region gave adequate warning.
This time I was correct, but most of the experts of the top world weather agencies, and most all the data, current and historical, were in agreement of what was about to happen, and perhaps will happen next.
Man-Yi is diminishing, yet still very strong and most active. Currently it is doing its most damage, in populated areas, a current and future threat, and wrecking havoc on Japan, and the region.
It appears by Sunday evening (15/1200 Z - 16/0000 Z) Man-Yi will pass the island nation, and will move to the Northeast, and calm itself shortly thereafter, due to influencing weather conditions.
A final thought: If wants to sail, one must know the weather, and how to read the data. That is discussed:
EDITED: Oh, and the Cowboy thing.... Well, I grew up on a ranch in North Dakota, and I live in Colorada, and cowboys and sailors know a bit about ropes or lines, and how to tie knots, and look at the sky or the animals, and just know something is brewing with the weather.....