Fremantle it is! Good guesstimate. Secret Harbour actually. I used to think that the best ever cruising yacht was a Roberts 47' Mauritius, for a lot of reasons. Lately I have been cruising as crew or helm on a Fountine Pajot Levezzi 40 and offshore racing on a Farr 38' so I see the value of both. The reality is that I can't afford a cat that would get me there.
For us we have decided that even though we can afford to service maybe as much as $850k with the mortgages paid off, debt free, we would rather pay cash for about $250k max and be free as a bird. When I finally put my feet on a deck that I own, I won't want to take them off.
You know the drill, kids nearly off our hands, sell the big house on the beach, downsize, rip some cash out and live the life. I'd love to see a forum waffle/purchase boat and go cruising ratio :-)
There are a lot of good boats for sale on the Gold Coast, but I'm sure there are (due to current economic climate) plenty of real opportunities out there, I'd love to know where to look.
Just add water