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Old 02-10-2008, 05:08 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1

Hello everyone,

My name is Jeremy, i am currently doing a world tour by hitch-hiking... this one include the sea...

The aim of my project is to not spend a cent on the way of travelling and in the next days i will have to face a problem...

I am actually in Jordan and i am going then to Egypt and Soudan. As you maybe know, there is a way by the land to reach Egypt but this one lead you to go through Israel. As i want to go to Sudan after Egypt, i cant go through Israel because the visa from Israel will avoid the fact to have the visa to Sudan. Even if i want to have the israel visa on another paper, i will still have the stamp of my entrance to Egypt... by Israel.

So i will have to hitch hike a boat from Aqaba in Jordan to Nuweiba in Egypt.

Do you know if there is some depart from there or if anyone have done of know something about it?

Thank you


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Old 02-14-2008, 01:20 AM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 3,067

"My name is Jeremy, I am currently doing a world tour by hitch-hiking... this one include the sea...

The aim of my project is to not spend a cent on the way of travelling and in the next days I will have to face a problem...

I am actually in Jordan and I am going then to Egypt and Soudan.

So I will have to hitch hike a boat from Aqaba in Jordan to Nuweiba in Egypt.

Do you know if there is some depart from there or if anyone have done of know something about it?"

Hello Jeremy,

If you haven't yet left for Egypt from Jordan by means of hitching a free ride on a boat - here is a little information which may be useful :-

The passenger ferry terminal run by ARAB BRIDGE MARITIME is south of El'Aqaba at Yarmouk , their phone number is 03 201 3240 . Single fare $US 50 fast catamaran - about 90 minutes. Slow Boat US$ 45 - Have to pay an Exit tax of 5JD to the Jordan Government. Very few large cargo ships go from Aquaba ports to Nuweiba'El Muzeiwa as it is too close for export goods from Jordan. There are small boats that make the journey - you might try the first docks south of Aqaba - they would not normally carry westerners, but you may be lucky - but take CARE !


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Old 03-15-2008, 04:24 PM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 3


Try the Royal Jordanian Yacht Club in Aqaba near the town centre, Its possible that a yacht leaving for Egypt may help you. It is only a few hours from Aqaba to Taba Heights in Egypt.

Kind regards

Bill and Pixi Bowen
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