Hi everyone and thanx for this fabulous resource!
My name is Magnus and I am the skipper/owner of a GRP classic, designed by the legendary Arvid Laurin.
My boat is a ketch (12 built of a total 230-something...)
This summer I made a four month circumnavigation of the Baltic Sea and Sea of Botnia and Bay of Botnia. Basically heading north along the Swedish coast and then south again on the Finland side. Since this prolonged 'vacation-trip' didn' quite make me fed up with sailuíng and cruising, I've now made a decision to sell off my business, house and all the rest of my stuff and take off on an open-ended cruise next summer.
My idea of the perfect trip would be a 20 y circumnavigation, but who knows; I might settle down on Tonga or NZ or wherever. No fixed plans or schedules is what I am after.
Anyone interested in my trip can have a look at:
www.sailblogs.com/member/rodeorm (a link to a pic gallery there too)
BTW I am teaching navigarion too and hold a commercial yachtmaster license
Fair winds