North Atlantic Crossing - Sailing
We started to downlaod GRIB files almoust everyday, They seem to be better than the weather router, and te weather-fax delivers files just not the ones on the schedule we have which we downloaded right before we left. Could someone crowd source that one. I know the times are in UTC, which is mainly how we report time reletive to our position. I think we leave the fax and computer on for the correct amount and at the correct time this is the time block we are interested in: 0805/1905 24HR SURFACE FORECAST 0815/1915 24HR WIND/WAVE FORECAST 0825/1925 24HR 500MB FORECAST 835/1935 36HR 500MB FORECAST 0845/1945 48HR 500MB FORECAST 0855/1955 48HR SURFACE FORECAST 0905/2005 48HR WIND/WAVE FORECAST I'm not sure the pasting Jack did above will be visible. We wouldl like to start with 24 hr surface forecast and receive through 48hr wind/wave forecast. We have tried about every time slot and can't seem to get them right. We are receiving from Boston.