09-17-2007, 02:24 PM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 34
An excellent source of information is the Southbound Group. Its a yahoo group forum with more than 100 posts many just a few days old. I have copied the header to the group and posted below.
The Southbound Group is used by cruisers on the West Coast of the Americas to share relevant information on areas of interest between San Diego, California and South America including the Galapagos.
The purpose of the list is to disseminate information that other Southbounders may find useful. If you are "ahead of the pack" or off the beaten track, sending information specific to where you went, where you anchored, what was ashore, corrections to the information provided in the cruising guides, changes in policy, prices, facility availability, marina closures, hazards to navigation, etc. is very appropriate. Factual information on inland trips, where you stayed, how much, what was good or bad, where the best surf or fishing spots are, etc. is also appropriate.