Not sure that the answers to Stephen's questions provided a clear understanding as to what the present situation is regarding this boat and its problems. In fact the answers have raised more questions :-
2006 :-
Hull below the water line "sanded" and "painted"
Question :- "sanded" does this mean just sanding off the anti foul ? Or, does it mean sanding
off the gelcoat as well ?
Question :- "painted" with what ? antifoul ? epoxy ? how many coats etc ?
Question ;- Was the above done by a professional ? If so, who? - check with them.
2008 :- At survey
200 pimples/blisters found !
Question :- Exactly 200 ? How big ? Spread evenly over the whole under water hull ?
Or clustered in some areas?
Question :- After the '200' were found, what was done to rectify ?
The 322 had other problems with keel bolts, shroud chain plate foundations.
Worth looking at the O'Day owners website
Click here
If you are intent on this boat - find your own surveyor (not the broker's) - have the boat 'condition and valuation' surveyed out of the water. Not sure what you mean by
"Broker is offering to sell me survey for $200 (first prchaser's that bailed out paid $450." Are you saying that he is selling you the survey that was paid for by previous parties who were interested in the boat ?
Or are you saying that he will pay $200 towards a new survey?
Note : The $450 survey that paid for by the other interested party, belongs to them. The broker
sounds like someone who is offering to sell the Golden Gate Bridge.
If necessary get a fibreglass professional to quote on restoring the hull to good condition etc.