Gday Tom, this what I carry for my MD17D.
Workshop Manual,
Head Gaskets, ( the MD 17D has the three separate heads)
Manifold Gaskets,
FW Circ Pump complete,
Fuel Lift Pump Complete,
Raw Water Pump impellers,
Spare Starter Motor,
Spare Alternator,
Spare Alternator Regulator,
Alternator belts.
Copper washers assorted for injectors, fuel lines etc.
Assorted filters.
Lots of Lube Oil.
Gasket goop plus lots of other bits and bobs I don't consider essential.
I've had to make 'field expedited repairs' using all of them except the alternator belts.
What I probably should have but don't is a spare injector.
= Chile,
 : Chile