I'm Raymond, a 28 year old Dutch student. I finish my studies in February 2012 and hereafter I would fancy a long sailing trip, before starting a dull-time
job and excluding the ability to be this adventurous
. Therefore it would be really great if someone is still looking for a crew member, I'm available halfway March for a couple of months.
As intercontinental plane tickets are rather expensive, it would be great to either start or finish in an European port. Of course, being a student still, I'm not really rich or anything
. Anyhow, I will be able to pay for my food and daily expenses, but will consider my duties on the boat as a pay for the sleeping place.
I do not have much experience at sea and only started sailing inshore in 2008, but last year I participated in an introductory sea sailing course and sailed five days at the Dutch part of the North Sea. This fuelled my enthusiasm for a long cruising trip. I do regularly sail in small inshore boats though, and like having rough weather. Fortunately, I'm interesting in learning everything and usually learn new skills quite fast
I speak Dutch (native), English (experienced), German (intermediate) and a tiny bit of French.
Skippers and boat owners of the globe, I hope to be hearing from you.
Kind regards,