position wanted in Europe or delivery finishing in Europe
I am looking for another boat to join and adventure to start. I am available from mid April to mid October. I am 25 and currently working in the French alps where I manage two ski resorts for a holiday company.
I have roughly 14 000nm logged including;
-a transatlantic delivery on a 56 foot cat
-working as watch leader/galley manager on a 120 foot ketch in S.E. Asia and Micronesia, helping train new crew members and also cooking for up to 18 crew.
-delivering a 38 foot cat around the Malay Peninsula, 2 man crew and standing solo watches around the clock
-mate on a 38 foot mono doing youth training trips around the Scottish Hebrides
I am also a qualified and experienced diver and love to crew on boats with compressors and dive gear.
My plan is to do my yachtmaster in the Autumn so I am looking to get some more mileage and experience over the summer.
The perfect position would be with a very experienced captain who can teach me a thing or two. Even better would be on a commercial boat with an instructor who can offer me qualifications in return for work. I have found this arrangement before but couldn't join due to winter work commitments.