When I hear names of boats that are similar to those of friends I made in earlier years, I can't help but wonder if our paths will ever cross again. Who knows? If not, there will be little places of regret I'll hold, but then some other wonderful folk will appear, wave, and strike up a conversation--and a new friendship will be forged. Until it's time to move on.
I suppose one of the things I've hated most about growing older is looking at my address book and wondering when/where/who that name belongs to? We've started keeping boat and other cards in a book, but if only everyone would put their photo on the card and a photo of their boat and then leave room for me to jot down particulars! I wonder if anyone else has such memory problems?
Jeanne, please don't stop the stories! Learning from you and others with more/different experiences is a grand way to feel part of the community. You've done so many things I haven't, been so many places I'm dreaming of visiting. This is one of my favorite sites.