Been here in Kota for 5 days and in that time I've walked every lane and byway looking for parts and provisions and spent the rest of the time up side down in the bilge and freezer cabinets installing new fridge and freezer units.
Unfortunatekly I only got a couple of days for the hand over and to say I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by it all is an understatement! Have meet a heap of welcoming yachts here in the marina and everyone has been very supportive and while my rational head says - 'you've done this many times before and you'll get the hang of it' the other side looks at the mass of 110v 12v & 240v wiring, pipes and pipes going every which way and a million and one throu hull fittings and just wants to run away!

. We've all been there but none the less - it is very daunting.
Had a half day sail and that went well - under sail I'm very much at home - its the electrical I find a lil daunting.
My wife called this afternoon and asked how I was enjoying the resort

and was I floating in the pool each day - as if! So tonight I'm up at the restaurant having a drink and a nosh up - I think I've deserved it!
Australis is a beautiful vessel and we're very fortunate to be her new owners - I just hope I don't press, pull, switch or rotate a lever, dial, button and send her to the bottom in my ignorance - wish me well everyone and keep your fingers crossed - I know I am!
Fair winds,