12-25-2012, 03:07 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
Adventure Cruising ... Queensland to Asia ...
I am getting my yacht ready to depart on an adventure and exploration cruise from Cairns/Port Douglas in Far North Queensland, Australia to Asia and maybe beyond.
Departing in March or April 2013
The yacht is a 42 foot cutter rigged sloop, (pics in the photo section here), and sleeps 5 in comfort but can sleep up to 9 people.
I plan to sail up the coast to the Torres Straights and then on to Darwin. Then on to explore the northern Kimberly Islands for a while before heading back to Darwin and provisioning for Indonesia, Malaysia and beyond. This is to be a trip of exploring new places and enjoying the journey, laid back with as little pressure as possible.
Me ... older guy with many years of coastal and ocean cruising behind me. I live on a small fixed income and love the adventure of places new to me. I live simply and don't have unrealistic expectations.
I am looking for two or 3 people, (male or female), to join me in this adventure ... I am not looking for someone who just wants to join a yacht for a few weeks as a way of getting from one place to the next, rather I am looking for someone who wants to enjoy an adventure of exploring much like me ... for 6 months at least and maybe much longer. This is an open-ended trip and yes you would be expected to contribute within reason but we can discuss that when the time comes.
I have one guy who will be joining me to assist with getting the yacht ready in Mid February. he will be staying with the yacht to the Kimberley Islands then departing to do his own thing. Ideally I would like to encourage 2 to 3 people to join me for this trip and would prefer a gender mix. Age and experience is open but some level of fitness would be nice.
Want to know more ??? message me and lets see where it goes.
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
12-26-2012, 06:04 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: Powell River
Posts: 1
Hi Lexx,
Your post is very interesting and have opened an account here to make contact and be able to ask questions and see where this might take us.
My name is Rebecca and am looking for a sailing opportunity with my boyfriend Julien. We are currently in NZ and want to make our way back to Bali. And of course onward. However we would love to do some sailing within some of the islands East of Bali before debarking.
We would be very interested in discussing things with you more about getting onboard before you sail the Torres Straight.
Our Working holiday visas in NZ finish the 20th of March and would fly directly from here to one of the ports in North Eastern Australia to meet you...
I have sailing experience, cooking, changing sails and at the helm for three hours everyday and night for the duration of our traverse from Panama to the Cook Islands. We stopped in Nuku Hiva, Marquesas and in a little island called Maupih'aa. I would like to do more.
We would like to know more about the time you are thinking it will take to do the Torres Strait to Kimberley, back to Darwin and then into Indo.
My email is earthacceptance@yahoo.ca and would appreciate a more private conversation with you... Also if you had skype or a phone we could call.
Would be great to hear from you Lexx.....
Thanks for your time,
Rebecca and Julien
12-26-2012, 07:07 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
Hi Rebecca & Julien,
I will send you an email so you can message me.
To answer your timetable question ... firstly the best laid plans and timetables go out the window when cruising and forcing sailing to keep to schedule rather than with the weather usually ends badly. So while I do have a schedule in mind its a basic plan with some latitude for weather, unforeseen equipment failure, crew complications etc.
That out of the way ... It is only about 500 sea miles from here to Thursday Island in the Torres Straights but I want to spend about 4 weeks wandering up the coast exploring the coast, reef and islands.
A stay of a few days at Thursday Island, maybe 4 or 5 days,, restock the boat etc, then a straight shot to Darwin, about 700 miles and should be doable in about 7 days without stressing. There are a couple of alternatives for stops along the way. A week to 10 days in Darwin taking care of the CAIT application, (Cruising permit for the yacht for Indo), then a sail of about 500 miles to the northern end of the Kimberley islands taking up to about 10 days. Spend a couple of weeks bumming round the Islands there before heading back to Darwin. A further week or so in Darwin then 400 miles to Kupang, say 4 days to be on the safe side. After that its take things one day at a time working west through the islands of Indo to Bali before heading more north ... towards Malaysia. After that ... who knows.
With the above in mind it should take somewhere between 12 to 15 weeks to get from Port Douglas in North Queensland to Kupang in Indonesia. As I said this is an adventure trip with the emphasis on enjoying the journey not speeding from point A to point B.
The nearest International Airport to Port Douglas is Cairns about an hour by car or bus south of here.
Hope this helps,
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
12-28-2012, 04:10 PM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: barcelona
Posts: 7
hi Lexx!
hi lexx!
first let u know that ur trip adventure sound so gooood!!! no hurries and explore its what we r looking for!
let me introduce ourselves,
we r a spanish couple living now in australia, my name is robert and my grilfriend is laura, we r 27 and 33, im photographer, videographer and dive instructor, she is a natural therapiest.
we been looking for the chance to join as a crew on an adventure like the one u r offering for long time already.
we r travelers, been on the road for several years, we have a very wide working skills, but being honest never been on an adventure as long as this on a boat and thats what we r looking for.
we use to write articles to some magazines back home and we r on a project to make an alternative travel guide but we still need more experiences like that one u r planning, ur experience also would be really helpful for us at the time to write some journals.
we r very honest and our goal, first is have that amazingly experience, and after have the chance to learn the art of sailing, we want to learn how to navigate, and we did not have any experience cause nobody still gave us a chance to try... we did not grow up on a sailing environment but we have the passion inside, we just need the chance to learn and we learn fast. we love the ocean, and although we have respect for it, but we have no fears.
we been on boats as a divers, me particulary been working as a diver on liveaboard and i have some experience but nothing as long as could be a trip like that. could do some mecanic jobs, we cook really good, we are very easy going, we r tidy, matures and very responsable. .
the travel trip sound just awsome, we would love to do that route and explore more the northern australian territory, thats the 3rd time here in oz but never been up north
we been several times in indonesia and recently coming from malaysia borneo, and we can talk some bahasa like some other lenguages.
we have visa here in australia till the end of october next year and that would be an amazing opportunity for us here in australia to explore more arround here and move on in our live journey.
anyway i hope i did not sound too enthusiastic but i really am.
contact with me if you want via email on zocum4rm@hotmail.com or even make us a call 0426886173, we can meet and have a talk. we r on byron bay area working.
thanks for your attention
robert and laura
12-30-2012, 06:11 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
Robert & Laura,
I sent you guys an email.
A friend of mine is heading north from here about the same time I am on his 45 foot Roberts and he will be looking for some crew as well.
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
12-30-2012, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: barcelona
Posts: 7
hi lexx.
i just recive on my email same as u write me here on the post
anyway we are very interested to join as a crew on a trip like the one u offer,
i understand on ur reply that u r not interested on us as a crew...
anyway hope to recive an answer from you,
12-30-2012, 10:56 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
Robert, I did not say I was not interested. I sent you an email so you would have my email address so you could speak a little more privately and expecting you to tell me a little more about you both.
I posted the above message in case you didn't get my email and also to let people know that a friend of mine in his boat is also heading north at about the same time and he will be looking for some crew as well.
So check your emails for something from Lex and get back to me with a little more detail about you both, then I will also send you an information sheet.
Have a great new year,
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
12-30-2012, 12:30 PM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: barcelona
Posts: 7
hi lexx
i just sent u now an email with what u asked me on the last text, hope u get it if not please let me know ur personal email adress and i will resend it back again.
have a great new years u too
robert and laura
12-31-2012, 01:16 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: barcelona
Posts: 7
hi lexx,
would be nice from a very beginning to mention the costs of that trip, 50$ per day!!! per head?? if a couple 30$?? that sound more like a tour price, we will work on the boat and we could share costs, but pay 50$ per day?? we will eat what? caviar? champagne?
make a legal tour company instead of trying to find people to pay all the costs and make a living from that...
gd luck trying to find someone able to afford to pay that amount, 2500$ per head
12-31-2012, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
I am confused ... 50 bucks a head or 30 a couple ...now that don't make sense to even me. Believe me a tour company would charge far in excess of 30 a couple ...
Not long ago I joined a commercial adventure trip for 7 days and 6 nights and that cost me $1150 and was well worth it in my book.
Good luck finding a boat for under 30 bucks a couple a day ...
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
12-31-2012, 05:01 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Home Port: barcelona
Posts: 7
i send u a private email,
im shure we will find something fair, already many others had a fair experience without getting screwed.
CREW MEMBERS most of the time WORK FOR FREE, crew members don't pay for work, no way.
we share costs, that means one day cost X, next day will cost Z, don't charge fix prices, better make it clear from a very beginning, will save lots of time.
no matter where u go, try to be fair
01-06-2013, 05:54 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Home Port: Sydney
Posts: 37
Hi Lexx,
Still looking for crew? I'm 32 and looking to get some sea miles up while having a good time. If you drop me an email I'll send you some relevant 'about me' info. pete underscore winning at yahoo dot com dot au
01-08-2013, 12:06 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
Yes I am still looking for one or two adventurous people to join me. Please send any emails to Lexx underscore aa at yahoo dot com dot au
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
01-11-2013, 07:51 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
A friend of mine is also going to do a similar trip on his 45 foot Roberts Ketch ... we intend to sail in company for the most part and he is also looking for a couple of adventurous people to join him... any enquiries can be made through me.
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
01-12-2013, 04:34 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
what the ???? can a mod please delete the last post... makes no sense to me ...
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
01-16-2013, 05:50 AM
Outstanding crew!!!
Join Date: Jan 2013
Home Port: Auckland
Posts: 10
Dear Lexx
Please Read this letter carefully and attentively...
I have good experience sailing; I lived for 22 year in Miami Beach USA making Key Biscayne and the Atlantic Ocean my playground sailing on a Colgate 26, power boating, fishing and diving. I also participated in few regattas in Key Biscayne competing in a small 4-crew sailing boat wining one competition “it was a stroke of luck :-)”
I am well fit, well-mannered, extremely positive, easy going individual with a ken common sense; moreover I am a highly educated individual... I fluently speak write and read in Russian, Spanish, English and Portuguese with Basic in Italian and French; I have two degree and I am also a Pilot for single engine airplane, a NAUI Scuba Diver with Survival skills in the Forests, Deserts, Mountains and Waters.
I am very interested in buying a boat “OR” buying into a boat "partnership"... Therefore I NEED/DESIRE to be FULL time in a boat for the next year or two in order to acquire more experience necessary to become a true sailor and be able to sail the world... I am ready to do ALL tasks from the smallest to the biggest; any and ALL boat duties to quickly master all tasks needed for sailing.
I am very interested in sailing with you... Please let me know
Respectfully yours,
Karlos Falcon
Phone +64-027-922-21-29
E-mail Falcontxtxp@gmail.com
Skype Falcontxtxp
Gtalk Falcontxtxp
01-16-2013, 05:54 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
Karlos, I sent an email to the email address you have listed on the 11th of january ....
So check your email okay ...
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
01-28-2013, 05:43 AM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Home Port: Queensland , Gold Coast
Posts: 8
Gday lex , I like the sound of your adventure . I would be keen
01-28-2013, 07:02 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Home Port: Port Douglas
Vessel Name: S/V Travesty
Posts: 214
I have sent you a private message with my email address ...
"No matter where you go, there you are".
 : https://www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Port_Douglas
02-24-2013, 08:21 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Home Port: Las Cruces
Posts: 4
Hi Lexx
I am looking to crew on a s/v that is going to the places you are going. I am not on a schedule. I am a retire teacher that has been crewing for a year I have done 3 passages: American Samoa to Tonga, Tonga to Fiji, Fiji to New Zealand. I just went to "sailing school " in Nelson and got a day coastal skipper certification. I need lots more time under sail. Currently located in New Zealand
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