Just joined! We are:
Captain and boat owner: Fisher
Crew: Kim (I also work as a professional mariner when not voyaging around with friends)
The Boat: 1973 Yankee 30' Mark II
Boat equip: Universal Diesel, monitor windvane (haven't perfected the use of yet), solar panel, hard sailing dinghy, small gps, ssb receiver only, radar, vhf, depth sounder, primary anchor: 45lb manson supreme, secondary: 25lb cqr, stern anchor: 15lb danforth, no refrigeration/water pump/hot water/heater.
We left Seattle in mid August, spent two weeks in Port Townsend, WA while PT Rigging cut and suaged all new standing rigging and we bent on the stays.
We hopped to PA and Neah Bay, then headed 185 miles offshore! After living on the edge of our seats for 4 days and nights we hightailed it for shore and anchored in Port Orford, OR. Then we motorhopped through the fog to Brookings, then Crescent City, an uneventful rounding of Cape M, then Fort Bragg.
Next Stop, San Francisco! Ultimate destination after spending Oct in San Diego: San Carlos, Mexico, where several of our friends are meeting up around Thanksgiving.
Hope to see you along the way!