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Old 03-16-2012, 09:13 PM   #1
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Default Antifouling - Cayenne as a biocide

Picked up the paint for my next (long overdue) haulout and bottom job.
I got Pettit Trinidad 75 (not SR). I am planning on adding ground cayenne pepper as a slime preventer.
Has anyone done this?
I am interested in results and in how much pepper/gallon is best.
I ordered a 5 pound pack of ground cayenne. I have 4 gallons of paint...any thoughts or advice will be appreciated. Larry

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Old 03-17-2012, 01:29 AM   #2
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Take a look here on page two http://www.cruiserlog.com/forums/f43...ing-425-2.html where Spike_dawg talks a bit about it...

You might do a search of the site for other bottom paint threads too.

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Old 03-17-2012, 02:57 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by babylonlarry View Post
Picked up the paint for my next (long overdue) haulout and bottom job.
I got Pettit Trinidad 75 (not SR). I am planning on adding ground cayenne pepper as a slime preventer.
Has anyone done this?
I am interested in results and in how much pepper/gallon is best.
I ordered a 5 pound pack of ground cayenne. I have 4 gallons of paint...any thoughts or advice will be appreciated. Larry
Goodayd 'Larry'-'babylon'. You're not giving us much back-ground info or advice - so it's a tad difficult to help as much as we might like to.

Try adding 100grams (or up to 500 grams) [there's 28.3495 grams per ounce] of Tetracycline powder (it's a animal liver medicine) [get it from your local rural vet] - stir into each gallon - then paint on. Lots more to all of this that I managed to get close to right (whatever that might be) after 40 years of being in the marine yacht business.

I'm confused here - I use 2 gals to put 2 or 3 coats on a 45' to 50' yacht &/or powerboat - - just how big is ths vessel you're going to coat? Must be very big?

Where I've done most of my antifouling (as a professional business) has been (& is) in the tropics & we need to do a really good & carefull job just to get a year or 2. Adding 'Tetra' gives the owners 4 to 6 years depending how often they use their vessel. The more the vessel travels the longer the antifouling lasts. Long distance cruising yachties get 3 to 5 & with 'Tetra" 2 chaps got over 7 years with no growth unless they just sat for a couple of months or more & then it was just a wipe-off of the grassy slime.

It might be worth a look into it if you are so of a mind. As an ex-pat
Canuck now living in the Tropical Far North of Australia - I've never used this formula in Canada or the USA but my customers tell me in works fine in Europe & throughout SE Asia.

Much success with your project , PM me if you wish to get more technical & you're thinking seriously of using it. Ciao, james
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Old 03-17-2012, 03:12 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by redbopeep View Post
Take a look here on page two http://www.cruiserlog.com/forums/f43...ing-425-2.html where Spike_dawg talks a bit about it...

You might do a search of the site for other bottom paint threads too.
Oooops - U-2 'Yoda-yacht' people & 'Spike-woof'. Sure hope y'all don't mind me saying a few words. Hope I didn't/don't offend anyone!!!

Sure don't want to get banned or kicked-out of here again.

It's never been my want or desire to offend anyone however sometime I'm a tad blunt with the truth (as I see it - of course). Life's like that but. - I seem to have noticed at 72 this year (darn)
I've used 'Terta' here in the tropics for well over 30 years & never had a 'let-down' yet & I'm sure my customers would have demanded I come to wherever they were & fixed the problem. So - for what it was worth - that's the best I can do without getting into co-polymer plastic chemistry with teflons & such.

Hope to be developing much better additives when I get to The Philippines & pick-up my yacht - hopefully before the end of the year. Ciao y'all - good health, happiness, weather, sailing & cuddles, from the 'jj-geri-hat-trick' down-under, james
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Old 03-17-2012, 05:58 AM   #5
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Hey Silver-raven, where have you been? We've been missing your posts.

Fair winds,
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Old 03-17-2012, 07:52 AM   #6
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Redbopeep, thanks for the link - good stuff there.
Silver Raven, Info on my boat and it's bottom:
She's a Tartan 37 not all that big. I have previously used ablative paint and three gallons did not get me a third coat at waterline and rudder. She seems to sit more than move so I have decided to go to a hard modified epoxy paint. I figure more is better as I do not haul out very often. I will look into tetracycline, maybe in addition to pepper. Can't use TBT. The only commercial biocide additive I found was from seahawk Bio-Boost ZPT Anti Fouling Bottom Paint Additive
The active ingredient is zinc omadine
They claim that it may cause instability in other brands of paint ???
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Old 03-17-2012, 10:02 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by redbopeep View Post
Hey Silver-raven, where have you been? We've been missing your posts.

Fair winds,
Gooday to U-2 - 'Yoda-type' people. How's-ya-doin' High praise indead & I thank you.

I spent some time - constructing an e-mail - only to touch the 'backspace' tab to fix an error & lost the blinken lot. DARN. So over-time I'll try to fill in some of the blanks.

Right now I'll try to give Larry some assistance.

Thanks so much for the welcome back. I sure didn't know if I'd be welcome - after beind 'kicked-out' for whatever reason someone decided - & that without letting me know what it was about. A tad rude for sure - especially for a bunch of yachties - business people or not. Communication leads to forward progress - confrontation leads to disaster - always.

Thanks again, ciao, james
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Old 03-17-2012, 10:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by babylonlarry View Post
Redbopeep, thanks for the link - good stuff there.
Silver Raven, Info on my boat and it's bottom:
She's a Tartan 37 not all that big. I have previously used ablative paint and three gallons did not get me a third coat at waterline and rudder. She seems to sit more than move so I have decided to go to a hard modified epoxy paint. I figure more is better as I do not haul out very often. I will look into tetracycline, maybe in addition to pepper. Can't use TBT. The only commercial biocide additive I found was from seahawk Bio-Boost ZPT Anti Fouling Bottom Paint Additive
The active ingredient is zinc omadine
They claim that it may cause instability in other brands of paint ???
Larry. I've been in the marine & chemical business all of my life - of course they would claim that - that's how they sell more product. That's a no-brainer, for sure & probably not all that close to the truth.

As I've always been required to apply a very smooth antifouled bottom - finished product - - I've always thinned my base antifouling & usually sprayed in on - - thus probably used less material for a greater surface area. Better or not is not the subject here.
I've always applied a few coats & then let them dry until firm to the thumb-nail push test. Then a few more coats - etc etc.
With hard or semi hard antifoulings - it is extremely important to let the solvents escape & not get trapped in under the dried surface & not be able to excape. The more solvent escapes - the harder the antifouling gets - the harder the antifouling gets - the longer it lasts. All of these 'little' details argue well for great cost effective job completion.

Is the coating - 'hard modified epoxy paint' an antifouling - as such - or just a modified epoxy for underwater use? I personally - would have some reservationsw about adding anything to an epoxy formula without have done a test - prior to mixing-up the whole lot. Can't see why it wouldn't work but it is wise to remember that the biggest factor in play with all jobs that are imnportant is that - MURPHY is always in charge - not you - regardless of how hard you tell 'him' otherwise.

Unless 'modified epoxies' are used very carefully they rarely achieve their top level of quality, especially so with the attention to detail in the preperation of the surface you are wishing to apply them onto. That is critical.

If the 'modified epoxy' is in fact an antifouling then it already has several additives & a few more (all in moderation - of course) shouldn't mess with the formula doing its best possible job.

I agree that you sure do need that 3rd coat around the waterline & especially on the rudder, if not a 4th coat - - they sure are high-growth areas.

TBT is good but not all it was cracked up to be - a bit like the old copper additives in an ablative antifouling - - & - there is not doubt that both were screwing up the oceans.
I've twice used a product out of the UK called 'Copper-bot' which I remember as being a highly ground copper powder that I added to a clear antifouling. The 2 chaps whose yachts I did were sailing around the world in the rally - at that time. Both contacted me several years later (4 to 5) from England - & said the antifouling that I'd applied here in Cairns, Far North Queensland - was still working - & so well that they weren't even getting 'slime' on their boats bottoms (gota be careful wording that) as they were both retired Admirals in the British Navy.

I agree with you that - more is better - however the 'more' needs to be applied at the top end of 'properly & ALL the solvent must be allowed to exit the solids of the antifouling coating left on the bottom.

I'm sure you're off on the right track & wish you good progress with your task. Ciao, james
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Old 03-17-2012, 11:18 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by babylonlarry View Post
Picked up the paint for my next (long overdue) haulout and bottom job.
I got Pettit Trinidad 75 (not SR). I am planning on adding ground cayenne pepper as a slime preventer.
Has anyone done this?
I am interested in results and in how much pepper/gallon is best.
I ordered a 5 pound pack of ground cayenne. I have 4 gallons of paint...any thoughts or advice will be appreciated. Larry
Yes Larry go read article in Boat-design on copper additive & use it.

Gooday again bloke. I just read a great article - very info;rmative & extremely cost saving effective - in Boatdesign,net. Get in ther e& read it - it's a must for you to read before going any further with your antifouling project. These guys - got their act together. smart as & great value for dollar.

Article is today or yesterday & it's about 'copper additive' antifouling . You just gata read it. Ciao, james
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Old 03-17-2012, 12:24 PM   #10
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Hi James, Thanks for the heads up on the boat design article (Self made Copper-Epoxy-mix as Antifouling? - And the 'same' ready made products? - Boat Design Forums)
Especially, thanks for the info about letting the solvents completely escape. I'll allow lots of drying time between coats.
Trinidad 75 is:
"up to 60.9% Cuprous Oxide"
Solids are 79% by weight and 50% by volume.

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