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Old 04-18-2012, 12:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
Home Port: Maricopa
Posts: 1
Default Family in search of...a cruising lifestyle

Jon, Beth & Joshua – a family in search of a cruising lifestyle.

After 21 years of marriage and career, Jon & Beth made the best decision of their life – and Joshua was born 9 months later on February 8, 2009, completing them as a family. Jon has produced and directed in film and television for 30 years and Beth is a California and US Supreme Court licensed attorney.

They are walking away from it all to give to their son what they have come to believe is the really important thing in life – a cruising life.

Jon & Beth began sailing together when they were just dating in the early 1980’s on a 14’ Hobie Cat in Central New South Wales, Australia – it could be that Jon was an avid sailor then, or he was just looking to get his girlfriend in a bikini, either way, they both fell in love – with each other and with sailing.

Now, Joshua is 3. Importantly, he is potty trained and a great swimmer. Part fish, part boy. And, Jon and Beth have their eye on a Lagoon 450 - Owner’s Version. But they don’t plan on putting any money down, now or in the future. They believe there is a different path for them to step on-board their Destiny.

Jon & Beth live a lifestyle of “giving and receiving.” They believe, and have a life full of experiences to back them up, that in order to receive in life, you have to give. In fact, if you want to receive a lot in life, you’ll need to give generously. And they do just that.

Now, they are willing to give someone else the opportunity to give – and give big. They understand it’s a big ask, but more importantly, they are quick to point out that whoever welcomes this giving opportunity will walk away with their “cup flowing over!”

It’s a principle they live by. … Sure, they could buy the boat but that would prevent the current owner from the blessing of giving and the added bonus-blessing of receiving – proportionately and overflowing – in return. With a serious face and a genuine heart Beth asks, “Why rob someone of their opportunity to be blessed in giving and then to receive their reward?”

So, if you are the owner of a Lagoon 450 - Owner’s Version, opportunity is knocking.

Specific and Intentional. That’s how Jon & Beth practice giving. They understand that if a farmer wants to harvest corn, he has to first plant corn seed. It’s the same with everything else in life. Jon and Beth’s “offer to receive” is best suited for someone who needs blessing in their family, blessing in their marriage, blessing in the ability to launch into a new chapter of life, or someone looking to be blessed in stepping into their Destiny – because that’s what investing a Lagoon 450 in Jon, Beth and Joshua, represents. Family, marriage, new chapters and destiny. Are you up for it? Open yourself up for one of life’s biggest blessings!

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Old 04-18-2012, 07:35 PM   #2
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Glad to hear that you've decided to start cruising. There are many families out there enjoying the cruising life. Welcome aboard.

I'd suggest that you buckle down and think about ways to seriously fund your cruising lifestyle if you really want to make it happen. It is highly unlikely that someone is going to be willing to give anything to you to get you started. So, what are your plans for getting yourself out on the water without the gifts?

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

What we're doing - The sailing life aboard and the Schooner Chandlery.

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Old 04-19-2012, 03:22 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 8

Well, all you Lagoon 450 owners out there, what are you waiting for? You get to give away $450,000 or more worth of karma - for what? A half million dollars worth of satisfaction that two panhandlers want to give their 3-year-old son the cruising lifestyle?

I've seen lots of requests for help and financial aid - teenagers who want the rest of the cruising community to contribute a little something so they can join some sailing adventure. Small nations needing help to feed their starving people. The residents of New Orleans when their city was trashed by Hurricane Katrina and their homes were gone.

But for a couple to ask for half million dollar boat? When they could easily buy a perfectly acceptable boat for maybe $50,000 themselves?

Naah, not me. And I bet Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, with all their buckets and buckets of money, would say the same thing. Freeloaders - and lazy ones at that - need not apply.
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