Might have room for one more. How quickly can you get to SF? Boat is here, sail date is Dec 5. Southbound LA, SD, Turtle Bay, Bahaia Angles or Ballena, Cabo, Frailles, Muertes, La Paz. Probably 5 days to LA, then we will see.
From there I will plan to do Sea of Cortez unless too cold in which case over to Mazatlan, PV, La Cruz etc.
I could best use help early, ie SF down. This is a pretty easy run, have done it many times. Tayanaa 37 cutter, so far have 1 ineperienced Canadian, a Slovakian who has sailed with me before and one more possible.
This is cost sharing.
Do you have any experience with SSB/Ham? I have Icom 730(?) that sort of works, have the gizmos to get weatherfax, needs to be set up.
My phone is 510 825 8552. Email is
Cheers, Charles